I haven't done a What I Wore post in forever, I've mainly been slobbing about in comfy clothes feeling ill. When I recieved a beautiful brooch from
Polli I realised I could slob about no more, I needed to wear an outfit that did this cute little brooch justice.
As for the koala hat, I've had it about 2 years now, I actually look forward to cold weather so I can wear this cutie. I used to work at a freezing cold Asda petrol station and would constantly get told off for wearing it, but the customers loved it. One day the main Asda manager arrived to work after a 2 hour drive on snowy roads and told me the hat had made his day better, from then on silly hats were allowed in Petrol and I was known as the bear girl! I also managed to dye my hair bright colours over winter and my boss wouldn't notice because my big hat covered it all! All hail the mighty koala hat and it's hair dye trickery!
Dress- Primark
Shoes - Primark
Bracelet - Gift
How cute is the Polli brooch?? It made my day opening my mail and finding a cute little doggy brooch staring up at me. It's made so well, very sturdy and the clasp is easy to use and dosn't come undone. It even comes in it's own adorable little bag!